Sign up for our Bronze plan now



You manage your routes with access to our amazing basic tools.

Add an unlimited number of scheduled bus & coach routes

You keep the listing up to date

You add the routes to Scenic

Update places to visit

Add bus tickets & passes

Add things to do to your route

Add operator contact details

Add up to 15 photos to each bus or coach listings

Access to unlimited free stock images through Unsplash

Can’t upload videos

Can’t use our ChatGPT-powered AI content tools

Can’t access our advanced SEO tools to boost your listing

Can’t access our discounted premium stock images

Can’t add TripAdvisor reviews to your listings

Can’t add our journey planning tools through Google Maps and TransportAPI

Free now, free forever!

Sign up now

Sign up for Scenic

Frequently asked questions

Browse our FAQ’s or contact us directly and we’ll sort you out.

Pricing and payments

How do I pay for a premium account?

Once you have confirmed to us which subscription level you’d like, we’ll issue you an invoice (on 30 day payment terms) for the payment.

Can we negotiate on the price?

We’re happy to work with operators to ensure they can market their bus and coach routes with us – speak to our friendly team about what works for you.

Customer support

How can I contact Scenic customer support?

Once you’ve subscribed to a Silver or Gold plan you’ll get access to our WhatsApp chat support, available 7 days a week.

All subscribers will get access to our dedicated support email address where you can get help 5 days a week.

What is the average response time for customer support inquiries?

On WhatsApp we intend to respond within the hour, over email we intend to respond within 2 business days.

Is customer support available on weekends and holidays?

Our WhatsApp service is available on the weekends and in the holidays, our email service may not be.

Is there a knowledge base or FAQ section for self-help?

Yes! We’re writing helpful guides in our Knowledge base to help customers manage their listings on the website themselves.